Ifsc Code Adalah

Ifsc Code Adalah

Step 1: Verify the IFSC Code

National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT)

NEFT or National Electronic Fund Transfer is a nationwide electronic fund transfer system that lets you transfer money from one bank account to another. It is a safe and hassle-free process as it is monitored by the RBI. All NEFT settlements are made in a batch-wise format, and funds can be sent through NEFT to accounts of all Indian NEFT-enabled banks. To initiate an NEFT transfer, you would need the account number and name of the receiver, along with the name of the bank branch and its IFSC.

Daftar Tabel IFSC Code

Tabel IFSC Code berisi daftar lengkap kode IFSC untuk berbagai bank dan cabang di India. Tabel ini mencakup informasi penting yang diperlukan saat melakukan transaksi keuangan.

Sebelum melakukan transaksi, pastikan kode IFSC kalian benar! Untuk memastikan bahwa Kode IFSC yang kalian gunakan benar,  kalian dapat klik link berikut untuk memvalidasi kode IFSC kalian: Validasi Kode IFSC

Sekarang kalian telah memiliki pengetahuan yang lebih dalam mengenai IFSC Code, dan sekarang kalian mengetahui bahwa IFSC Code merupakan suatu aspek penting dalam transaksi perbankan India. Untuk kirim uang ke India, Anda bisa gunakan Easylink sebagai Platform Transfer uang ke luar negeri.

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Ever wondered what IFSC printed on our passbook/chequebook stands for, and what is its significance in the Indian banking sector? Let’s find out everything about it.

Most of us are familiar with the Indian Financial System Code or IFSC that is used for electronic money transfers. Yes, we are referring to the alpha-numeric code printed on bank documents like the front leaf of the passbook and the chequebook. But do you know what is an IFSC and why is it important for carrying out banking transactions? Here's all you need to know about it.

IFSC is an important part of the Indian banking infrastructure. It is a unique 11-digit number issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), for identifying an individual bank and its specific branch. The format of IFSC is such, wherein the first four characters represent the bank's name, and the last six digits (combination of alphabets and numerals) indicate the location of the branch. The fifth character is zero and remains constant for all codes.

The first 4 alphabets (ICIC) in the above example serve to identify the bank, in this case - ICICI, and the last 6 digits (000053) represent its Jayanagar branch, in Bangalore.

It must be noted that no two banks or branches have the same code. In fact, the IFSC is different even for two accounts held in two different branches of the same bank. The RBI website has a list of all the banks and their IFSC.

What is the significance of IFSC?

The importance of the IFSC code cannot be stressed enough. It has made online transferring of funds easy, secure and accessible for all. Listed below, are some of the benefits it bestows:

IFSC ensures that fund transfers between banks are carried out seamlessly, without any blunders. The identification code can help RBI track, monitor, oversee, as well as authenticate all financial transactions conducted through modes such as the National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT), Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) and Immediate Payment Service (IMPS).

IFSC plays a pivotal role in transferring money efficiently, from one bank account to another. It helps in determining the source as well as the recipient bank branch.

Since a valid IFSC is vital for initiating Fund Transfers through Net Banking, the online platform has become extremely safe. IFSC eliminates the odds of fraud, error, or theft during the Fund Transfer process.

Due to IFSC, the procedure of carrying out financial transactions, has not only become convenient but also picked up pace. Funds can be transferred in just a few minutes, from any corner of the globe. This is a boon for those in dire need of funds, due to a financial emergency.

Financial transactions through electronic modes are paperless. Thanks to IFSC, account-holders are doing their bit for Mother Earth, by using eco-friendly measures for money transfer.

As a rule, the IFSC cannot be changed, revised or updated. However, in the event of a merger or reorganisation of the bank, the IFSC identification code changes. In this case, the account holder is issued a new code. This is to ensure the online financial transaction is successful and it reaches the beneficiary's account, without any glitch.

As you can see, the IFSC code is an integral part of the modern banking system. Apart from making Internet Banking quick, safe, and convenient, it also indirectly contributes to a greener environment.

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Step 5: Transaction Completion and Monitoring

IFSC codes are essential for both fund transfers and investments like mutual funds or insurance, where it ensures that funds are routed to the right accounts. Always double-check the IFSC before confirming any transaction to avoid delays or errors.

This projects puts EP Climbing in the lights at the center of Jakarta park.

Bought by the PUPR, the Indonesian's Sport and Health ministry (public tender), this project was the local federation of climbing's first tender to build a climbing wall.

EP Climbing managed to fulfill the contractor's mission and took a good care of the local federation, the FPTI, for their 3rd international competition in November 2023: The Asian Quailfiers. 4 places are to be taken by the Asian athletes for the 2024 Olympic games in Paris!

The FPTI have decided to install the IFSC official Titan boulder for the competition, and to be able to train and develop the teams boulder skills, as this boulder is the one will be featured at the Olympics 2024. This should be the first international Boulder competition for Indonesia, on the Titan boulder, 30m version validated by the IFSC.

This is also the first project in Asia in Mozaik XP with full PVC rafters, to ease the route setting. The wall will be filled with a big range of the latest wooden volumes, macros and holds to use during the Asian Qualifiers, and for the training of the national team.

How Many Digits Are There in IFSC Codes?

An IFSC code has 11 characters. This alphanumeric code consists of the bank identifier (the first 4 letters), a zero (as a separator), and a 6-digit branch code that uniquely identifies each branch.

Unik untuk Cabang Bank

IFSC Code adalah kode unik yang terkait dengan masing-masing cabang bank. Tidak ada dua cabang bank yang memiliki IFSC Code yang sama. Kode ini membedakan cabang satu dengan yang lain.

Baca Juga: Daftar Kode Bank Terlengkap Untuk Transaksi Keuangan

Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) Format

The IFSC code is an 11-character alphanumeric identifier made up of three parts:  bank identifier, followed by a zero as a separator, and finally, a unique 6-digit branch code:

These IFSC codes, assigned by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), ensure seamless electronic fund transfers by distinctly identifying every branch in India’s banking network.

For example, IFSC for the Langford Road branch of ICICI Bank is ICIC0000269, where ICICI represents the bank name, 0 is for future use, and 000269 denotes the branch code.

Step 3: System Validates the Branch Code

Sample IFSC Codes of Top Banks in India